Lynne Benton

Before I was a writer I was a reader. When I was a child I read every story I could get hold of, and loved imagining I was someone else, that I lived in another world, another time or another place. I just loved stories – and I still do. There is
nothing like a book to fill you full of magic. When I grew a little older I began to write stories too, and several of them have been published for other people to read. I especially enjoy writing for children, because I remember what wonderful
adventures I had in my head while I was reading. I hope children enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.
When I grew up I trained to be a teacher and taught for a few years before getting married and having four children. Of course I read to them, and they all love books too – and now they are grown up, so do their children. I am no longer a
teacher, but I am still a reader and a writer.
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