Level 3
The Cape of Bad Hope
Author Alan Durant
Human interest
Would you like to spend your vacation on a crocodile farm with your worst enemy? Nonikiwe Mattita certainly wouldn’t. But when Mom goes away for work, Noni is sent far away to Cape Town. She will spend a week living with the crocodiles, and with Johan, whom she despises. And to make matters worse, there is tension at the farm. Noni soon finds herself involved in a deadly mystery. Will she—and Johan—survive to tell the tale?
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Overall rating 4.1 out of 5
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Chapter 1 The Croc Farm
A reluctant Noni is shown around a croc farm by the guide, Arno. She is not impressed with the crocs, Arno’s jokes, or the company of Johan, who accompanies them...
Chapter 2 Trouble at the Farm
Noni awakens to trouble at the croc farm. Everyone is upset, and the police are on their way to take statements. Noni starts investigating with Johan, but he is behaving very strangely...
Chapter 3 Where’s Johan?
After a day of trouble on the croc farm, Noni discovers that Johan is missing. Marianna and Noni search high and low, but he is nowhere to be found. Can Noni trust the police to help her?
Chapter 4 Crocodile Tears
Noni is on a mission to find Johan, and it seems that she cannot trust anyone to help her. How is she supposed to track him down all on her own? But Noni doesn’t give up easily...
Chapter 5 The Cape of Bad Hope
The true scale of the Crocoil operation is becoming clearer. Who can Noni and Johan trust? And will the crocodile killers ever be brought to justice?
Book forum
Alan Durant counted on the participation of readers while writing. If you haven't read the book... Beware of spoilers!