Level 2

Mission: Improbable

Author Simon Cheshire


friendship, self-esteem, confidence, teamwork

Case: Mission Improbable Agents: Jake (bright, cautious, technology expert) and Emma (sporty, adventurous, never looks before she leaps) Mission: To uncover the shady goings on of their mysterious neighbours. Targets: Hawke and Petrovich Location: Wherever their mission takes them Spy gadgets: Plenty Chance of success: Questionable

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  • Chapter 1 Ambush!

    “Ready?” hissed Jake. Emma nodded. “Go!” Keeping low, they ran across a patch of waste ground. A rusty oil drum provided some cover and they crouched behind it. “Where did you tell your dad you ...

  • Chapter 2 Followed!

    The mysterious hand beckoned urgently to Jake and Emma from the shadows of a doorway. “Come on,” said Emma. “Whoever it is might be friendly.” Neither of them was confident that this was a good ...

  • Chapter 3 Chase!

    Jake put his hand out in front of Emma to stop her heading for the café. “We stay with Afia,” he whispered. He quickly explained that Afia wasn’t part of the Egyptian secret service after all, and...

  • Chapter 4 Flight!

    Shades raised the pistol, taking aim at Jake. Emma’s heart leapt into her throat. Then, with a sudden, swift movement, Jake kicked out at Shades’ arm and sent the pistol flying across the cabin. ...

  • Chapter 5 Disaster!

    The Pulsar ticked and clicked. The small, red display read “29:50”... “29:49”... “29:48”... “Well?” cried Emma. “You’re the one with the gadgets and the MI6 know-how, stop this thing!” Jake felt...