The Ghosts of Holly Hall
Author Emma Pass
Fantasy and Myths
Drew Quinn and his daughter Lauren are ghost detectives. What’s more, they have a special power. They can actually see ghosts. But when they arrive at the very old Holly Hall in Ireland, they are surprised. There aren’t any ghosts anywhere. And is the owner, Edward Holly, really just writing a book about ghosts or does he have another plan?
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Chapter 1 Holly Hall
Ghost detective Drew Quinn and his daughter Lauren receive an invitation to Holly Hall in Ireland. But when they arrive, Lauren feels that something in the old building is very, very wrong...
Chapter 2 Meeting Maddy
Lauren looks at the papers from Edward Holly’s briefcase, and she discovers that he has mysterious plans. Then the ghosts start to appear ...
Chapter 3 Prove It!
Spookalite? The Vanisher? Lauren is determined to discover Edward’s true plans for the ghosts. Unfortunately, she soon learns that she has to work alone to solve the mystery.
Chapter 4 The Ghosts and the Key
Lauren is sure that Edward Holly wants to build the Vanisher but she has no proof. She must find a way to learn more, but she has very little time...
Chapter 5 Save the Ghosts!
Lauren is in big trouble. Edward has discovered her in his office. Her dad doesn’t believe anything she says. The ghosts cannot help her. But she has a plan...
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