Level 2
B1Looking for Suneel
Author Emma Smith-Barton
Human interest
Sunita and her family are extremely upset when her grandfather dies. She just cannot believe that he is gone. And as they look through his belongings, they find out a lot more about the person they loved. How well did they really know him? What secrets did he keep? And how do his dreams link with Sunita’s?
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Overall rating 3.9 out of 5
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Chapter 1 Last Night
Sunita is at school, but she cannot stop thinking about her grandpa. She should never have come in. Her best friend Hattie is trying to be understanding, but Sunita really doesn’t want to hear it...
Chapter 2 The Secret Attic
There is only one place where Sunita wants to be, even though she knows that her grandfather is no longer there. But his house is full of memories... more memories than Sunita ever knew about.
Chapter 3 The Photo
The desire to know about her grandfather’s life is becoming more and more important to Sunita. But how can she find out more without worrying her parents?
Chapter 4 Sunita
Sunita has called AJ’s number, but who is this mysterious person, and why did Grandpa never mention any of this? The person who answers might be able to help, but Sunita still has so many questions...
Chapter 5 The Sitar
With so many questions about Grandpa, Sunita and her mom start to read all about the life in Pakistan that he never talked to them about. Will they find the answers they need?
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Emma Smith-Barton counted on the participation of readers while writing. If you haven't read the book... Beware of spoilers!