Level 3
The Tale of Tutankhamun’s Treasure
Author Alex Woolf
Mystery and Thriller
The Time Detectives, Joe and Maya, travel back to ancient Egypt to solve a new mystery. Will they uncover the secret of Tutankhamun’s lost treasure? You decide!
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Chapter 1 A Letter from a King
The lights dimmed. The audience ceased their murmuring. On the stage, beneath a single spotlight, stood a small, silver-haired Egyptian woman. She placed a gloved hand into a metal canister and pu...
Chapter 2 A Suspect
“I can’t see how we can sneak into the dungeon, Maya,” said Joe. “It’ll be crawling with guards.” “We’ll find a way, cuz,” she said breezily. “No one’s spotted us so far, have they?” Joe sighed....
Chapter 3 A Deadly Poison
“I hope Queen Ankhe is in a better mood today,” Tut said to Joe. “She blames me for everything, you know. Now her beloved cat’s gone missing, and she thinks I got rid of it. She won’t speak to me....
Chapter 4 Last Chances
Joe stepped out onto the front porch of Lord Ay’s villa. The sky was dimming. Soon it would be night. He watched as Ay and the others made their way hurriedly around the lake towards the king’s ap...
Chapter 5 Execution Day
Joe peered into the shadows near the doorway, trying to see who was loitering there. Everyone else was gathered at the king’s bedside. No one noticed the figure creeping closer towards them. Joe s...