Level 3
The Water Boy
Author Alex Woolf
1922 Hussein is a water boy serving Howard Carter’s archaeological expedition to find Tutankhamen’s tomb, and he harbors his own dreams of discovering hidden treasures in the Valley of the Kings. But water boys are the lowest of the low, so Hussein’s chances of fame and fortune are limited. And the expedition needs to find something soon, or they all risk being out of work...
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Chapter 1 Guardian of the Tomb
When Babu asks Hussein to join him at moonrise so that he can show him something, he knows that his younger cousin will not be able to resist... but Babu is cruel. Can he be trusted?
Chapter 2 A Surprising Discovery
The unexpected visitor turns Hussein’s life upside down, and he comes to regret taking the amulet from the tomb. And when things get more serious, Hussein cannot maintain the dishonesty...
Chapter 3 At the Bottom of the Staircase
Hussein’s discovery of a step causes great excitement among the diggers and archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings. Could this be the tomb of Tutankhamen that they have been searching for?
Chapter 4 Exploring the Tomb
The tomb of Tutankhamen can finally be opened, but Hussein is torn between fear and excitement, as all the signs seem to show that the pharaoh should be left alone to rest in peace...
Chapter 5 The Shadow of Anubis
Following Lady Evelyn into the burial chamber is the last thing Hussein wants to do. He feels the presence of Anubis, and the god is not pleased to see the visitors disturbing the pharaoh’s peace...
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