Level 3
Voyage to Omega
Author David Macphail
Science Fiction
Ana and her mother are leaving a broken, war-torn Earth on a colony ship, bound for a habitable planet called Omega in the Proxima Centauri system. Having recently lost her father, both Ana and her mother are hoping for a fresh start. But there are people on board who pose a threat to their new life, bringing their old Earth enmities into space. When Ana wakes up from hyper-sleep, she discovers that the ship has crash-landed on Omega. Most of the other sleep pods are open, including her mother’s, but where is everyone?

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Chapter 1 Voyage
As Ana and her mother prepare for hyper sleep, we meet the other refugees from Earth – mostly those rich enough to escape the raging wars. But the voyage to Omega does not go to plan...
Chapter 2 FOLLOW
Ana has been told not to follow the boot prints, but her need to find her mother is overwhelming. What dangers await her outside of the broken S.S. Arcturus?
Chapter 3 Trust
Ana looks to have little chance of escape in Pioneertown, and she must dig deep to evade the clutches of Beta. An ally emerges, but who can she trust in this alien new world?
Chapter 4 Hope
Ana has to make difficult choices if she wants to survive and find her mother. Meanwhile, Craster has bigger plans – to try and stop General Kala’s takeover altogether. But he’ll need Ana’s help ...
Chapter 5 Future
With Ana and Craster held prisoner by General Kala, the future is not looking bright for the human colony on Omega. But will Kala’s determination to gloat prove to be his downfall?
Book forum
David Macphail counted on the participation of readers while writing. If you haven't read the book... Beware of spoilers!